Custom Designs

These designs are not exhaustive, but showcase some of our favorites. Every piece is wholly unique, due both to its custom design and the wood with which it was built. While we can recreate most designs, the finished product will never be identical. Some of the pieces shown below are currently for sale and can be seen in the Available Now section of our website.

Tables and Desks


Coffee Tables and Benches


Side, End, and Accent Tables

Chairs and Cabinets


Highlighted Tabletop Examples



Cherry is a smooth-grained, reddish-brown hardwood that comes from the American Black Cherry fruit tree. Cherry starts out a light pink and darkens over time to a rich reddish hue with a lustrous patina.

Ash is a light colored, smooth-grained hardwood with a beige-to-light-brown hue.


Stained Oak

Pin Oak

We can use weatherwash to stain wood with weathered browns and grays. Color results vary based on wood species.

Oak is a hardwood with more than 60 varieties growing across the United States alone. White oak tends to be a light beige through brown, while red oak (pin oak) has pinkish and reddish hues.



Sycamore has a mixture of very light wood edge with a red and orange center. Sycamore has a unique quarter sawn figure that is lacy and almost pixelated.


Walnut is a dark, hard, dense and tight-grained wood. It is the only dark-brown domestic wood species and over time walnut develops a lustrous patina.


To order a custom design please call us at 412.243.1312 or send us an email at